السبت، 25 يناير 2020

The difference between html and html5

The difference between html and html5
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السبت، 25 يناير 2020

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HTML5 and HTML What is the difference between them ??? Many of us ask this question ... which is why I wanted to introduce you to the most important features of HTML5 and what this version has provided many developers.

But before we start talking about this advanced version, we will first introduce you to the original version, which is HTML.

New people in web design often hear the word “markup” and wonder what it means and how it differs from the term “code”.

A markup language is often designed to handle, define, and display text.

Text tags and annotations are also included in text files to facilitate word processing on a computer.

Historically, the markup language was inspired by the coding process.

Whereas, any of the printer instructions were derived from handwritten marks.

HTML is the most used markup language, and a few years ago, an update to this language, HTML5, was released.

So in this article, we will show you the difference between HTML and HTML5.

Since we will talk about the following things:

What is HTML?
What are the main differences between HTML and HTML5?
Key features provided by HTML5 for developers.
HTML5 Cheat Sheet.
HTML5 advantages for the end user.
What is HTML?
HTML or Hyper-Text Markup can be referred to as the primary language worldwide.

Most web pages hosted on the Internet are written in some types of HTML.

HTML developers ensure how multimedia, text, and hyperlinks are displayed in other web browsers.

From the elements that make connections to the document (hypertext) to the elements that make these documents interactive (such as: forms), they are all HTML components.

The HTML standard was developed by W3C or World Wide Web Consortium in 1997.

In HTML tags are used to define the structure of text, and tags and elements are defined with the letters
Some examples of the aforementioned signs are titles, tables, paragraphs, etc.

Browsers are responsible for displaying the content of the webpage via these tags.

HTML has not long been the only web development standard.

In the early days, all signs of content and appearance were present in one giant, exhausting (and often complex) language.

Over time, W3C reached a decision that separating the content and webpage style was necessary, which led to the creation of style sheets.

The tags now used to define the document style (such as Font) are almost ignored, because people are starting to prefer style sheets.

Content ID tags (such as H1) still form the basic HTML.

Most important HTML updates:
HTML has experienced many updates over time, and currently the most recent version of HTML is HTML5.

Of course HTML5 is still primarily markup language, but it added a whole lot of features to the original HTML.

It also eradicated some of the militancy that was present in XHTML.

New features are added daily to HTML5, but no new numbered versions are released there.

The main difference between HTML and HTML5 can be that audio or video is not an HTML component, while both can be considered an integral part of HTML5.

What are the main differences between HTML and HTML5
The constant in IT is that periodic updates / changes are inevitable.

No language is able to avoid upgrades and / or new releases, and HTML is no exception.

HTML5 was released with the primary goal of improving the global web experience for developers and end users.

As mentioned previously, the biggest advantage HTML5 has over its unnumbered predecessor is that it has high-level audio and video support.

This feature was not part of the earlier HTML release specifications.

There are also other differences between HTML and HTML5:
SVG, Canvas, and default vector graphics are supported in HTML5.
While in HTML, vector graphics were only possible to use with different technologies like Flash, VML, Silver-Light etc.

HTML5 uses SQL databases on the web and application cache to store data temporarily.
At the same time and in HTML the browser cache can only be used for this.

There is another difference between HTML and HTML5, it is worth noting that the first does not allow JavaScript to run inside a web browser (it is instead run in the browser interface thread).
The latter provides full support for JavaScript to run in the background.

HTML5 does not rely on SGML, and it allows it to improve analysis rules that provide improved compatibility.
In HTML5 MathML and SVG embedded in text can be used while this is not possible in HTML.
Some elements have been completely stopped and dropped: isindex, noframes, acronym, applet, basefont, dir, font, frame, frameset, big, center, strike, tt.
HTML5 supports new types of form controls, such as: dates, times, email, number, range, tel, URL, search, etc.
There are many new elements introduced in HTML, some of the most important of which are: summary, time, aside, audio, command, data, datalist, details, embed, wbr, figcaption, figure, footer, header, article, hgroup, bdi, canvas, keygen , mark, meter, nav, output, progress, rp, rt, ruby, section, source, track, video.

Key features provided by HTML5 for developers:
HTML5 developers wanted more flexibility while designing websites, and there were important noteworthy improvements:

Dealing with continuous error:
Most browsers include support for invalid HTML syntax (structural / syntax), but in the past few years, it has not been a standard process to handle this.

This means that new browser developers have had to take a test

Improved semantics of the elements:
To enhance software improvements, improvements have been made to the semantic roles of the various components that exist.

Section, article, navigation and header are the new elements that have replaced most of the neglected div elements now, and this has made the wrong scanning process much less complicated.

Improved support for web app features:
One of the primary goals of HTML5 was to allow browsers to function as application platforms.

In the past, websites were much less sophisticated, but as time passed, dexterity increased.

HTML5 gives developers improved control over their website performance.

In the past, developers had to use solutions because many server side technologies and browser extensions did not exist.

Now with HTML5, there is no use to employ any JavaScript or Flash-based work (as it did in HTML4).

This is because HTML5 elements already exist that provide all of these functions.

The mobile network is easier:
Even today, creating a version of a mobile website can be a nuisance to developers.

Over the past decade, the demographic spread of smartphones has grown dramatically, creating the need to improve HTML standards.

End users want access to the web anytime, on any device, making responsive websites required.

HTML5 has made supporting mobile devices much simpler by being able to meet the needs of low-power electronic devices such as tablets and smartphones.

One of the most discussed HTML5 features is the element.

Whereas, the introduction of this unique tag has had a tremendous impact on the use of Adobe Flash.

Although many websites still use Flash, HTML5 has favored many people.

It is believed that Flash will be launched soon and completely.

When using the Canvas element, a developer can draw graphics using different colors and shapes by using scripts (such as JavaScript).

It's worth noting that Canvas is a graphic container only, and in order to select graphics a script must be executed.

An example of using JavaScript in conjunction with Canvas is:

var c = document.getElementById (“TestCanvas”);

var context = c.getContext (“2d”);

context.fillStyle = “# FF0000”;

context.fillRect (0,0,140,75);
Menu item:
The newly added

and elements are the interactive feature specification components.

But it is not often used or talked about by the developer community.

However, these two elements can be used to ensure improved web interaction.


tag is used to represent menu commands in mobile and desktop applications for simplicity purposes.

Possible use of the menu tag could be:



Customizable data features:
Custom attributes could have been added before HTML5, but it was a risky issue.

For example, in HTML4, custom attributes sometimes stop the page from showing completely, and can often become the cause of incorrect / invalid documents.

HTML5's data- * attribute has ended this often-occurring problem.

There are several uses for this attribute, but the primary purpose of entering it is to store additional information about different elements.

Now custom data can be embedded, and gives developers an increased opportunity to create attractive and effective web pages without the need to perform server-side searches or call the Ajax.

Dismissing and depositing cookies:
Local storage support was a big plus to HTML5.

In pre-HTML 5 days, if developers wanted to store anything they should use cookies.

Cookies can contain a small amount of data (not to mention everyone hates them), which is why adding the local storage object to HTML 5 is a more welcome feature.

The local storage object is part of the public domain name space, and can be accessed from any desired location while using scripts.

HTML5 Cheat Sheet:
Cheat sheets can be of great help if you start learning a new language.

Use the style sheet below to get started with HTML 5.

This cheat sheet contains all of the most used HTML tags (including HTML 5).
HTML5 advantages for the end user:
HTML5 brought a paradigm shift for both developers and end users.

Some of the many advantages it provides to end-users are:

Mobile browsers are now collapsing a lot less frequently than the local app.
This was not the case before, when there was not enough support for mobile web development provided by HTML.

Reliance on mobile sites is very high, as 30% of mobile users hate downloading apps.
So if a user now wants to use the company's services but doesn’t want to download their app, he can only log in to the company’s responsive website to do so.

Eliminating the need to use Adobe Flash allows developers to provide a rich graphic user experience.
The use of JavaScript and MPEG4 in conjunction with HTML5 has made life better for users.

Also, the ability to support native audio and video elements means that users will not have to download plug-ins for viewing multimedia on your website.
This rich media support provided by HTML5 is one of the biggest reasons why it uses HTML more frequently in today's world.

The newer version of any language couldn't be better than its predecessor, and HTML5 is definitely no exception to the truth.

With each passing year, developers will discover new ways to take advantage of HTML5.

Moreover, social media is expected to change further with language soon.

As the wave of change has already reached many developers worldwide, HTML5 adoption is still expected to increase faster in the coming years.

To maximize the potential of modern browsers, it is extremely important to adopt HTML5 as quickly as possible.

Article reference from here

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