الاثنين، 27 يناير 2020

Professional Blogger Template Design Course part One

Professional Blogger Template Design Course part One
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الاثنين، 27 يناير 2020

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Blogger template 2018 design cycle from scratch online: step by step

Are you an active blogger and want to design and create a blogger template from scratch? Is your dream to have an exclusive and professional template for your blog from your own design? This is not difficult - one step and you can create a Blogger template from your own design !!
Blogging made easy with Blogger, a well-known blogging service that allows users to create blogs and share your thoughts, for free. However, a little bit of knowledge is required about HTML and CSS codes and some of JavaScript. But it is not that difficult. Once you've cleared your mind and set an idea for creating a Blogger template from scratch and with some basic concepts, you're ready to design an exclusive template for you alone.
How to create a Blogger template?
Having your own unique blogger template is excellent. But the question arises where to start? The simple answer is that there are two ways to design a template as follows:
Manual method
Automated method (with software)
If you have a good knowledge of coding then it will follow manual method and this one is better. But if you are a beginner and don't know how to code, you will have to use design programs like TemplateToaster which are many like TemplateToaster which is best to choose from. You will not need codes with the Blogger Template Builder. It will give you an easy drag-and-drop interface to design your own template. Let's go further and deep into the detailed procedure that demonstrates how to design a blogger template using the manual method.

1. Manual method

Blogger template consists of XHTML and blogger elements. To design the basic layout template layout, you will use namespaces. The namespace (xmlns) is pre-determined for use with Blogger by Google. 3 types of namespaces are mainly used as follows:


xmlns: b’: used to access blogger items.
xmlns: data - it is used to determine where the blog data comes from.
xmlns: expr - to calculate the expression of attributes.

You will write all of this code in a file named main.xml from Blogger.
This is the template structure from the first line .
You can use the topic: Download blank blogger template template layout ready to design.

Syntax for Basic Layout:

Blogger template is divided into main sections:

Header page
Sidebar sections
Page Footer

 Widget tools will be used to define the content in the section which is the Sections.
The correct shape of the section would be like this:

While the below format, will be considered Wrong:



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